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Parcel locker Policy

Projektet Parcel locker Policy har kommit fram till  att paketskåp (PLs) har en betydande potential att minska de negativa miljö- och samhällseffekterna av e-handelslogistik. Här kan du läsa om den fördjupade kunskapen inom området. 

Parcel locker

Photo: David Pisnoy, Unsplash

What did we conclude in the project?

Parcel Lockers (PLs) carry a substantial potential to reduce the negative environmental and social effect of e-commerce logistics. From the environmental side this can be achieved through minimizing the emissions associated with the deliveries, and controlling noise pollution. From the social side this can be done by increasing service availability, increasing attractiveness of residential areas, and, in some cases, increasing road safety.
BUT this is possible only in specific distribution system configuration which requires dedicated design.

While PLs carry sustainability potential, they are not yet utilized strategically for this. Primarily, and often the only, focus in their utilization is their financial benefits and sharp need for increasing the handling capacity by LSPs (due to continuously growing e-commerce and parcel volumes).

Swedish PL market is not set yet: (1) PL network infrastructure is expanding and will continue doing so, (2) legislation is changing and will continue doing so, (3) the ways market actors incorporate PLs in their operations and business models are not set yet.

Policies can play a big role in the environmental transition, but it is not the case yet. There are different scenarios how PL networks can be set in Sweden in the future, but due to the ongoing changes it is hard to see into the glass ball. Most environmentally pleasing scenarios would require high degree of collaboration and open systems, which is possible in Sweden given market openness to innovation, flexibility, and collaboration history BUT this is not the way we are heading just yet."

Who made this hapen?

The project was carried out in collaboration with Helsingborgs stad and Nowaste Logistics. In different roles, other parcel locker stakeholder that participated in the studies: PostNord, Airmee, iBoxen, Post- och Telestyrelsen, Stockholms stad, and SESAM HomeBox.

Do you want to know more about Parcel locker Policy?

Yulia Vakulenko

Yulia Vakulenko

LTH, Lund University
PhD Lecturer, Packaging Logistics