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Branschöverenskommelsens effekter (The effects of the industry agreement)

Branschöverenskommelsens effekter


The Swedish retail landscape is currently undergoing a revolutionary change, which is leading to an avalanche-like growth in deliveries to consumers. E-commerce deliveries entail multifaceted and complex challenges linked to environmental, economic and social aspects. Initiated by Swedish Trade with the support of ASTER, the industry agreement for fossil-free delivery is a significant milestone on the way to sustainable e-commerce. The purpose of the project is to identify and describe the effects of the industry agreement for fossil-free delivery. By exploring these effects, the project will generate important knowledge that is the basis for the further development of the agreement. The majority of interviews will be conducted with e-retailers and distributors to map the effects of the industry agreement and build a basis for its further development.


• Compilation of decisions that have been taken by various actors as well as underlying motives and incentives as well as driving forces and barriers to this.

• Analysis of how e-retailers and distribution companies have been affected by and adapted to the agreement regarding new practices and technology as well as knowledge and relationships.

• Increased understanding of the industry agreement's impact with respect to the environment, economy, and social aspects.

• Offer insights and recommendations to further develop the industry agreement based on the actors' challenges and expectations. 


The purpose of this project is to identify and describe the effects of the industry agreement for fossil-free delivery. While the industry agreement creates clarity regarding the definition of fossil-free delivery, it is currently unclear what effects the industry agreement has had. Exploring these effects generates important knowledge to further develop the industry agreement and find out whether further efforts are required.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us! 


John Olsson, PhD

Lund University